I participate in intervention projects to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage in all its manifested domains as defined by the UNESCO 2003 Convention. My involvement aims ultimately to ensure the application of the principles of the Convention and the empowerment of bearers and their respective communities. My technical expertise covers the design and the effective implementation of projects at both expert and management levels.
My main intervention activities relate to the design, management, and implementation of:
Community-based inventories;
Participatory mapping of traditional practices and environmental hazards;
Safeguarding plans and policies;
Socio-economic studies and analyses of communities, traditional knowledge, and the environment;
Knowledge, visibility, and advocacy products.
Sample of recent consultancy projects
Evaluation of a pilot community-based committee of intangible heritage in Chinhambudzi (Manica) and development of policy guidelines for decentralised intangible heritage management in Mozambique, ARPAC-Institute of socio-cultural research (Mozambique).
Ethnographic inventory of Colete Encarnado festivities as an intangible heritage of Portuguese bull keepers and preparation of submission file for the inscription in the national inventory, Municipal Government of Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal).